Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 6

This weeks class started out by looking up a few websites to see if they are credible or not. It was interesting to see the different kinds of websites out there and see how some of them are hard to figure out if they are legit or not. We then were assigned on making a multiple choice or true/false question on media literacy guidelines. The hard part of this is that we had to try and make it so it was a critical thinking question and not a right and wrong question. We then moved into learning about podcast and got to go onto itunes to see what we could find at a quick search and if we could use such a thing in the classroom. It was interesting to see how many podcast are really out there and the different variety of podcast there are. It could be learning a new math technique while watching the person work through problems while they explain it. On the other hand you can have just images and words of a story while a person reads the story. You could easily figure out a way to use different podcast in the class or making your own podcast for students to refer back to or watch if they missed the class. This is an amazing tool I will really try and use with my younger classes just as another tool to try and key on different math techniques, as well as possibly do read aloud over a podcast so they could watch it at home. To broaden that use of this tool I could issue out books to the whole class and do a daily podcast to have the students follow along with the story to help them improve their own reading skills. On top of all this, we got introduced to Garage Band which is a really cool tool to make an auditorial type deal. You could easily use this to read a story to a class so they could follow along. This would be a great benefit if you as a teacher would be missing a day and wanted to record a read aloud to keep the kids going on a story you have been reading in class. This would allow you not get behind just because you as a teacher had to miss a day, or even if a student had to miss a day. This was just another awesome day filled with new tools I never understood what they were for and how I could use them within my own classroom. Until next week! I can't wait to see what new and exciting things I will learn!

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